Art of the matter.
Geometric sculptures of handmade paper in various shapes, sizes and colors.
本体: Hand made paper
cardboard (カードボード・紙)
acrylic paint (アクリル絵具)
Small - 高さ約22cm
Medium - 高さ約31cm
Large - 高さ約42cm
Prrticle (パーティクル)
Particle medium white and small apricot
Particle small ochre
Particle small ochre
Particle small ochre
Particle small ochre
Particle small grey natural
Particle small grey natural
Particle small grey natural
Particle small grey natural
Particle small orange
Particle small orange
Particle small orange
Particle small orange
Particle medium white natural
Particle medium white natural
Particle medium white natural
Particle medium white natural
Particle medium white natural
Particle medium white natural
Particle medium white natural
Particle medium white natural
Particle large blue
Particle large blue
Particle large blue
Particle large blue